My app has a GridLayout and 60 ImageViews on it. I want to assign a drawable to 25 cells of grid layout. for that purpose i have an array with 25 random numbers.
then i defined a hashmap that each item is one of the image views:
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> imageViews = new HashMap<>();
and put 60 imgageviews in hashmap ... 0 is id for first imageview. and set drawable to cells with this method:
private void setBombDrawable(){
HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = mImageViewsMap.getImageViews();
for (int tag : randomBombArray) {
int id = map.get(tag);
ImageView imageView = findViewById(id);
code runs without problem, but if there is any simpler way for getting imageviews id or tag from grid layout instead of 60 lines of code?
Why just id when you can get the ImageView directly from the GridLayout. GridLayout is a ViewGroup, so you can loop through all of its child view.
private Map<Integer, ImageView> imageViews = new HashMap<>();
int childCount = gridLayout.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = gridLayout.getChildAt(i);
if (v instanceof ImageView) {
map.put(i, (ImageView) v);