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Location of Ansible playbook when running in Azure Cloud Shell

This official document Quickstart: Configure Ansible using Azure Cloud Shell from MS Azure site, asks you to first save the following code as create_rg.yml, and then run the ansible-playbook command (shown in second code block below) in Azure Cloud shell.

Question: Where do you save the create_rg.yml before running the command (shown in second code block below)?

create_rg.yml file:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Creating resource group - "{{ name }}"
        name: "{{ name }}"
        location: "{{ location }}"
      register: rg
    - debug:
        var: rg

ansible-playbook command to run the Azure Cloud Shell:

ansible-playbook create_rg.yml --extra-vars "name=<resource_group_name> location=<resource_group_location>"

Remark: When I save create_rg.yml file in my local folder as C:\TestFolder\create_rg.yml the above command give the following error:

ERROR! the playbook: C:\TestFolder\create_rg.yml could not be found


  • You could save the .yml file into your directory /home/nancy in the PowerShell or Bash in Azure Cloud Shell instead of your local folder. There is a built-in ansible tool in Azure cloud Shell.

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