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Laravel foreign key on migration is not working

I am creating a fresh application on Laravel and I am writing the migrations I want to set the foreign key for my columns so I am doing like below :

   Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

but these are not working When I check it in phpmyadmin it lets me insert any number, not the item from status_id for example, and when I check it in the design tab I don't see the relation between the tables. #EDIT

adding the product_types migration :

     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('product_types', function (Blueprint $table) {

and about the engine, I am using Wamp with MySQL v8 which I think sups the fk feature


  • As you stated in the comments:

    what i see is that in phpmyadmin on tables there is a column which is writing :Type :MyISAM . is that the same meaning of engine ?

    Your DB default engine is MyISAM which does not support relational features.

    To fix that you can edit your config/database.php file, search for mysql entry and change:

    'engine' => null,


    'engine' => 'InnoDB',

    Then you'll have to recreate the tables.

    If you can't drop and recreate the tables for any reason, you can create a new migration to alter the existing tables. Ie:

    public function up()
        $tables = [
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            DB::statement('ALTER TABLE ' . $table . ' ENGINE = InnoDB');

    Another thing, it's the data type of the foreign keys columns must match the same data type of the related column.

    Since $table->id() is an alias of $table->bigIncrements('id') as stated in laravel latest versión docs, you should use:


    Also note the order: create the column first, and the the fk reference (and not the inverse).
