Search code examples

How do I get a specific value from a feeder using a number?

So assume that I have a feeder with list of values, for example:

  "id": "000000066",
  "id": "000000004",
  "id": "000000002",

Now, I'd like to send value number 3 (000000002) to a function that saves something in the session, for example:

exec(session => {session.set("value",valueGenerator(session("feederList(3)").as[String]))})

(feederList is my feeder session variable) Obviously the above doesn't work - Is there any way to do this?


  • if you insist in using Gatling built-ins feeders to read data and use them as CSV readers, you can user readRecords to grab the full Array in memory. You can then user the Session API to grab the record you want, in functions or an in exec block.