I'm trying to fill in null values in my dataset. The description column has the type of apartment. For Studio, I'm trying to fill in as 0 bedroom while for Rooms I'm trying to fill in as 1 bedroom.
I tried
df.loc[df['Description'] == 'Studio', 'Bedrooms'] = df['Bedrooms'].fillna(0)
df.loc[df['Description'] == 'Rooms', 'Bedrooms'] = df['Bedrooms'].fillna(1)
but it doesn't work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
without sample DataFrame I had to quess what exactly you wanted, hopefully I was right.
You can use simple lambda function:
# Import pandas, numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Sample df
d = {'Desc': ['Studio', 'Rooms', 'Studio', 'Studio', 'Studio', 'Rooms','Rooms','Rooms','Studio', 'Rooms']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
df['Rooms'] = np.nan
# Lambda function
df['Rooms'] = df.apply(
lambda row: 0 if row['Desc'] == 'Studio' else 1,
Or use list + for loop and add new column to your df.
# Import pandas, numpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Sample df
d = {'Desc': ['Studio', 'Rooms', 'Studio', 'Studio', 'Studio', 'Rooms','Rooms','Rooms','Studio', 'Rooms']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
# Create empty list for bedroom numbers.
bedrooms = []
# Fill the list with 0/1 base on your Studio/Rooms option.
for i in range(0,len(df.index)):
if df['Desc'].loc[i].lower() == 'studio':
# Add new column to your DataFrame
df['Rooms'] = np.array(bedrooms)
Both ways will show results (0/1) in new column called 'Rooms'.
If I didnt correctly guess your issue, let me know.
Good luck!