I would like to ask you that i have a data and i would like to call a package. Package is a Jar file type.
Anyway, i have a csv file:
Ürünler01 Ürünler02 Ürünler03 Ürünler04
0 trafik musavirligi na na
1 aruba 2930f 48g poe
2 minilink 6363 721l na
3 rendezvous point appliance na
4 in uzak oku sayaç na
... ... ... ... ...
79 inbpano kurulum kor panos
80 tn card değişim na
81 servis kapı kaynaklı panel
82 evrensel microwave outdoor unit
83 hp ekipman na na
As you can see column names are : 'Ürünler01', 'Ürünler02', 'Ürünler03', 'Ürünler04'.
And i would like to apply my "message" function and its at below:
for message in df['Ürünler01']:
after that code i will take it data frame and i can publish it.
df = pd.DataFrame (new)
And result is
0 trafik
1 araba
2 minicik
3 rendezvous
4 in uzak
... ...
79 inbpano
80 en
81 servis
82 evrensel
83 hp
AND my question is i can not apply my append "message" function all over Ürünler01,Ürünler02,Ürünler03 and Ürünler04. I could not find iloc or loc and can not understand for usage in python. As i can apply at C programming using i and j for loops and i can do my functions all of rows and columns. But my problem is at this question i can not use my functions all columns.
Please help my situation. I added pictures below. I can print out "0" column but also i need 1,2,3 which are painted on screenshots. I am waiting your helps
The final shape of your dataframe isn't very clear from your question, but you could iterate over the column names (default iteration over a dataframe) and then the rows by indexing the column from the original dataframe by-name
import pandas as pd
# load dataframe
df = pd.read_csv("path_to_file.csv")
# start a new string series
series = pd.Series([], dtype=str)
for colname in df: # iterate over the column names
for message in df[colname]: # iterate over the rows in the column
df_result = pd.DataFrame(series) # optional, can directly use series
However, you may be able to use df.apply
directly to apply clean_messages
to every value in your dataframe
df_result = pd.DataFrame()
for colname in df:
df_result[colname] = df[colname].apply(clean_messages)