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C++ Deleting array of structures with delete[]

I'm having trouble with adding structures to array in cpp. I've came up with this method which works great on ints but when i want to do the same thing on structures im getting error after adding 3 or more. I debugged it a little bit and it seems that delete[] is causing error message "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I cant use vectors or list from stl so dont suggest that Here's some code:

struct sth
    unsigned int id;
    std::string name;

unsigned int id_counter = 0;
unsigned int counter_int = 0;
sth *array = new sth[0];

void print_array()
    for (int i = 0; i < counter_int; ++i)
        std::cout << array[i].id << ' ' << array[i].name << " -- ";
    std::cout << '\n';

void add_sth(sth value)
    sth *newArr = new sth[counter_int + 1];
    memcpy(newArr, array, counter_int * sizeof(sth));
    delete[] array;
    array = newArr;
    array[counter_int] = value;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    sth e1 = {1, "abc1"};
    sth e2 = {2, "abc2"};



  • The problem is probably trying to copy an std::string with memcpy.

    std::string is not a POD (Plain Old Data) object, and some compilers and certainly static code analyzers e.g. SonarQube or Klocwork will alert you that what you are doing is wrong.

    To accomplish a copy correctly you should define an assignment operator and copy the items one by one, or just use a dynamic container e.g. std::vector