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write EPIPE UML in VS Code

Hey guys I'm new to UML and trying to draw on visual code. From help of google I downloaded plantuml extension, java enviornment, graphviz. But with this either google isn't helping. If anyone has idea about this error I'll really appreciate help.

Error image:

Error Screenshot

@startuml Hello World
    actor Customer
    Customer -> "login()" : username & password
    "login()" -> Customer : session token
    activate "login()"
    Customer -> "placeOrder()" : session token, order info
    "placeOrder()" -> Customer : ok
    Customer -> "logout()"
    "logout()" -> Customer : ok
    deactivate "login()"


  • But with this either google isn't helping

    If I search for vscode error write epide plantuml using google I find qjebbs/vscode-plantuml giving a fix under Windows :

    I've managed to resolve it by adding java to my path (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\bin). After restarting VSCode, it seems to be working fine.

    So try it if you didn't already.

    If you are not on Windows please indicate your OS though the tags on the question

    Out of that very probably the sequence diagram you define is not the one you want, for instance some messages must be answer, and the alone OccurrenceSpecification is wrong.

    The diagram produced by your definition is :

    enter image description here