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Import package from another module

I have to create a desktop app on top of existing Go backend code, since this requirement and my knowledge in web development I'm using Wails.

With Wails CLI I generated the desktop app project in a subfolder of the back end main project. This is how the folder structure looks like:

├── [...]
├── logger
│   └── logger.go
├── gui
│   └── desktopApp
│       ├── build
│       │   └── desktopApp
│       ├── frontend
│       │   └── [...]
│       ├── go.mod
│       ├── go.sum
│       ├── main.go
│       └── project.json
├── main.go
├── go.mod
└── go.sum

The logger has been imported in the desktopApp and everything works during the development and testing via browser. But when I build the desktop app with the command wails build from the desktopApp folder I have got the following error:

go: <domain>/<owner>/backend/logger: unrecognized import path "<domain>/<owner>/backend"

I imported the backend in the desktop app like this:


module desktopApp

go 1.15

require (
    <domain>/<owner>/backend v0.0.0


package main

import (


// Using the logger package normally

How can I fix my issue?


  • I solved my issue changing go.mod file of the nested desktop app like this:

    module desktopApp
    go 1.15
    require (
    // Added this line
    replace <domain>/<owner>/backend/logger => ../../