In the documentation of LWUIT there is the createImage method which creates a LWUIT Image object from a MIDP native image ( public static Image createImage(java.lang.Object nativeImage) ).
I want to know how to implement the java.lang.Object parameter in order to set a MIDP native image as the parameter of the method ? For example I capture a photo from the camera ( byte[] rawImage = myVideoControl.getSnapshot(null);
) and I create the image file in the filesystem :
myFileConnection = (FileConnection)"file:///"+pRoot+photoDirectory+"/"+photoName);
. So how to pass the Object parameter to the createImage method ?
Image img = Image.createImage(myFileConnection.openInputStream());
EDIT: see
javax.microedition.lcdui.Image img = javax.microedition.lcdui.Image.createImage("/images/card.png");
com.sun.lwuit.Image ii = com.sun.lwuit.Image.createImage(img);