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Queue Python User Input

I'm new in Python Language, our professor gave us activity about creating a queue list but I'm very confuse how to do it. The task is to display the movies and snacks that the user entered. Every time it press S the snacks will be remove. I hope someone could explain why this happens and what should I add. Thank you very much.

Movies = [];
movie = str (input ("Enter a movie 1 of 3: "));
movie = str (input ("Enter a movie 2 of 3: "));
movie = str (input ("Enter a movie 3 of 3: "));

Snack = [];
snack = str (input ("Enter snack 1 of 3: "));
snack = str (input ("Enter snack 2 of 3: "));
snack = str (input ("Enter snack 3 of 3: "));

print("Movies to watch are ", Movies);

print("Snacks available are ", snack);

print("Press S each time you finish a snack.");
eat = input();
if str.lower(eat)== "s":
 print (snack.pop());
 print (snack); 

Enter a movie 1 of 3: Avengers 
Enter a movie 2 of 3: Forrest Gump
Enter a movie 3 of 3: Lucy
Enter snack 1 of 3: Milktea
Enter snack 2 of 3: Pizza
Enter snack 3 of 3: Fries
Movies to watch are  ['Avengers', 'Forrest Gump', 'Lucy']
Snacks available are  fries #this is my problem
Press S each time you finish a snack.


  • In python variables are case-sensitive, in the last part you are overlapping snack and Snack so try:

    print("Movies to watch are ", Movies);
    print("Snacks available are ", Snack);
    print("Press S each time you finish a snack.");
    eat = input();
    if str.lower(eat)== "s":
     print (Snack.pop());
     print (Snack);