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GitLab CE: Block new users after manual registration

I am locking for the right GitLab CE server configuration to block new users, which signed up manually via the sign-up page (username / name / password). This users should be blocked until manually confirmed by an admin.

I found options to block new (auto-created) users for LDAP and OmniAuth in gitlab.yml but not for plain user accounts, who just registered on the sign-up page:

## LDAP settings
        block_auto_created_users: true

## OmniAuth settings
  block_auto_created_users: true

I want to let the users register themselves, so completely disabling this the admin area is not wanted:

admin area sign-in restrictions

How can I configure GitLab CE to block new users who just signed-up so that I have an admin confirmation for new users (not using LDAP or OmniAuth)?

GitLab version is 8.5.7 CE.


  • You now (October 2020) have an alternative with GitLab 13.5:

    Required approval for new user registration

    To reduce the operational burden on GitLab administrators without compromising security, GitLab 13.5 introduces a new instance-level option to require administrator approval for any new user accounts.

    This option is disabled by default but when enabled, will require manual approval by instance administrators before users that completed the sign-up process can access the instance.

    See Documentation and Epic.


    See GitLab 13.6 (November 2020)

    Admin approval required by default for new user registrations

    In GitLab 13.5, we introduced the option to require administrator approval for new user registrations.

    To increase security of our default configuration, GitLab 13.6 makes this option the default experience for new instances.

    We have also introduced email notifications to instance administrators when a new signup occurs and to users when their registration is approved.
    Email notifications at these critical steps in the process help reduce the turnaround time to onboard users when administrator approval is required.

    See Documentation and Epic.