Hi I'm struggling to find out why my binary search implementation is seg faulting (I'm new to NASM assembly)
Sorry I know its not much of a MVP but I cant think of an appropriate way to make one in assembly.
%define n [ebp+8]
%define list [ebp+12]
%define low [ebp+16]
%define high [ebp+20] ; Parameters loading from the stack
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, n
mov edi, list
mov ecx, low
mov edx, high
cmp ecx, edx ; if (low > high)
mov eax, edx ; Next few lines for mid = low + (high - low)/2
sub eax, ecx
sar eax, 1 ; Will this give an appropriate index? (i.e is it floor division?)
add eax, ecx
lea esi, [edi+eax*4] ;Getting list[mid]
cmp ebx, [esi]; if (n == list[mid])
je .END
jmp .END
mov eax, -1 ; return -1
jmp .END
mov edx, eax ; return middle - 1
dec edx
mov ecx, eax ; low = mid - 1
dec ecx
push edx
push ecx
push edi
push esi
push ebx
call binary_search ; recursive call, causing the segfault.
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
pop edx
jmp .END
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
After commenting out different sections, I have determined that it is definitely something to do with my recursive call to binary_search that is causing the seg fault. (Found Inside .CONTINUE) What am I messing up insdie of the binary_search body that doesnt agree with multiple recursive calls?
The binary search algorithm:
binary_search(n, list, low, high)
if (low > high)
return -1
mid = low + (high - low) / 2
if (n == list[mid])
return middle;
if (n < list[mid])
high = mid - 1
low = mid + 1
return binary_search(n, list, low, high)
I know its a long shot, thanks :)
Edit: its 32-bit mode
This part defines your function's protocol:
%define n [ebp+8]
%define list [ebp+12]
%define low [ebp+16]
%define high [ebp+20] ; Parameters loading from the stack
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
The dword [ebp]
will hold the old ebp
value, dword [ebp+4]
the old eip
to return to, and then your parameters follow. These are n, list, low, and high, in this order. As the stack grows downwards you need to push to the stack in the order so that the highest addressed parameter (which happens to be "high") is pushed first, then the second highest (low), and so on (list, n, eip
, ebp
The next part determines which registers you use to hold the variables initialised from these stack frame parameters:
mov ebx, n
mov edi, list
mov ecx, low
mov edx, high
(Either ecx
or edx
is modified before the recursive call. But they still act as the "low" and "high" variables in that code.)
Now to check your recursive call site. Essentially you want to pass all of the registers you're using to the function again. ebx
= n, edi
= list, ecx
= low, edx
= high. This is what you do:
push edx
push ecx
push edi
push esi
push ebx
call binary_search ; recursive call, causing the segfault.
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
pop edx
If you match up the pushed variables with the stack frame parameters expected by your function's protocol, you get:
push edx ; (unused)
push ecx ; high
push edi ; low
push esi ; list
push ebx ; n
call binary_search
The variable represented by esi
is only used internally by your function. It does not need to be passed to subsequent calls. What's more, it messes with your function's protocol. edx
, ecx
, and edi
get shoved one stack slot higher each than they should be to pass these variables along to your recursive call. The solution is to drop push esi
and pop esi
There are a few more potential problems with your code:
As I mentioned in the comments you should use inc ecx
not dec ecx
What is your program's calling convention used to call this function? You seem to be using a lot of registers and are only preserving ebp
and esp
If your calling convention allows to alter the stack frame parameter contents without limits, you could replace the literal call
that you use to recurse, by a "tail call" with the parameters changed to those you currently pass to the call
. And re-using the entire stack frame. It would look very similar to a loop at that point though. Perhaps you do want an actual (literally) recursive implementation. The tail-call-optimised or iterative approaches need O(1) of stack space though, as opposed to your O(log2 n).