From the E.164 schema below, how should I understand a French phone number like +33712345678
or 0712345678
when calling from France ?
Which part is TC, CC, NSN, NDC and SN ?
Is the analyse below correct ?
(updated as per @Lewis Kelsey
's answer)
Public Line Prefix: none
TC - International Prefix, Trunk Code**:
(equivalent to 00 from France)33
(Base Number)Public Line Prefix not sure what this is, but it's not part of the number
The International Dialing Prefix (IDD) or International access code is 00
if you are calling from france. +
means add the International Dialing Prefix of the country you are calling from, which is 00
Country code is 33
National Access Code (aka. NDD prefix aka. the national trunk prefix): This is the 0
part of 07
i.e. it's when you make a national call and use 0
instead of 0033
NDC - National Destination Code / Area Code / STD : 07
, includes the NAC 0
, which is replaced with the international prefix and country code if called from another country
Subscriber's Number: 12345678
, which comprises a base number and DID extension if it belongs to a business