I have a simple Form with configured Vuelidate
validators. It shows an error messages if the input
is in dirty
state, so when the form
is opened at the first time there are no errors.
But when I click submit
I expect to get a "clear" form
, as well as I just open it, but instead, I get all my validation errors within my input
Is there any elegant way to reset all vuelidate
fields to clear
state again, and get clear
import {required, email} from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'
export default {
data() {
return {
email: ''
//there could be a lot of props
methods: {
onSubmit() {
if (!this.$v.$invalid) {
const user = {
email: this.email,
//there could be a lot of props
this.email = '';
validations: {
email: {required, email}
<form class="form" @submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<div class="input">
<label for="email">Email</label>
:class="{ error: $v.email.$error }"
<div v-if="$v.email.$dirty">
<p class="error-message" v-if="!$v.email.email">Please enter a valid email</p>
<p class="error-message" v-if="!$v.email.required">Email must not be empty</p>
<button :disabled="$v.$invalid" type="submit">Submit</button>
after some research I found that this.$v.$reset();
makes things