I am trying to stub an imported method from an external library. I can get this stubbing method to work with internal libraries, where am I going wrong with the external library?
index.tsimport {format} from "date-fns";
export class Index {
public now(): string {
return format(new Date(), "Pp");
import {expect} from 'chai';
import * as sinon from "sinon";
import 'mocha';
import {Index} from './index';
describe("index unit tests", async function () {
let dfns = await import("date-fns");
it("get should return mock", async function () {
sinon.stub(dfns, "format").returns("x");
expect(new Index().now()).to.equal("x");
It is not possible to stub format from date-fns, because format is defined as non-configurable property.
(screenshot taken from file: node_modules/date-fns/index.js)
If you still want it, you can use wrapper method, and then stub the wrapper method.
For example I create wrapper iFormat to wrap real format at file index.ts.
// File index.ts
import { format } from 'date-fns';
export const iFormat = (a: Date, b: string): string => {
return format(a, b);
export default class Index {
public now(): string {
return iFormat(new Date(), 'Pp');
Test file:
// File: index.test.ts
import { expect } from 'chai';
import * as sinon from 'sinon';
import 'mocha';
import * as Index from './index';
describe('index unit tests', function () {
it('get should return mock', function () {
sinon.stub(Index, 'iFormat').returns('x');
expect(new Index.default().now()).to.equal('x');
When I run it using ts-mocha
$ npx ts-mocha index.test.ts
index unit tests
✓ get should return mock
1 passing (4ms)