I am using gracebat of xmgrace to generate images of bar graphs (based on xvg inputs) in batch mode:
gracebat input.xvg -hdevice PNG -nosafe -printfile output.png -hardcopy -batch grace.bfile
and here is my batch file
s0 line type 0
s0 type BAR
s0 line color 4 # this does nothing
PAGE SIZE 800, 600
xaxis label char size 2.50000
yaxis label char size 2.50000
xaxis ticklabel char size 2.000000
yaxis ticklabel char size 2.000000
This is an example of the output image:
It produces what I need with the exception of the color of the bars. What option of the batch file could be useful to set up blue background for the bars (presently it is white/transparent) as well as to increase the thickness of the black outline?
For some reason bars are treated as symbols by xmgrace, which means that what you want can be accomplished with the following lines:
s0 symbol linewidth 4
s0 symbol fill pattern 1
s0 symbol fill color 4
the first line makes the bars thicker, the last two change the colour of their background.