Search code examples

Ionic 5 ng if showing empty card

When I portrait mode *ngIf it hides values what I want but when I make the device landscape it's showing empty cards between true values.

<ion-col sizeLg="4" sizeMd="4" sizeXs="12" *ngFor="let order of orders">
            <ion-card *ngIf="order.status =='CL'">
                        <h4>{{order.description | filter:[200, '...']}}</h4>
                <ion-button type="button" color="danger">Canceled</ion-button>
                <ion-button type="button" color="primary">Delivered</ion-button>

Landscape image


  • The problem is that you're hiding the card but you're still leaving an empty column. Please try by hiding both the card and the column instead:

    <ng-container *ngFor="let order of orders">
      <ion-col sizeLg="4" sizeMd="4" sizeXs="12" *ngIf="order.status =='CL'">
        <ion-card > 