I'm writing a code to iterate through a huge list of objects in order to persist them in DB.
I have a counter wich is increasing with each iteration and when it reaches 500 I persist all in DB (from a StringBuilder).
If I do it sequential I have no problems, but it takes a long time. That's why I want to do it with parallelism.
With parallelism I've seen I cannot have one StringBuilder for all threads, so I need to create one for each thread.
My questions are: How can I create a StringBuilder per thread? And then, How can I persist all StringBuilder objects to DB and empty them all when the static counter reaches 500 loops?
I have the following code:
int counter = 0;
Parallel.ForEach(myList, element =>
lock (balanceLock)
var sb = new StringBuilder(); //I need one StringBuilder for thread, not for iteration
if (decimal.Remainder(counter, 500) == 0)
lock (balanceLock)
Finally I solved it in a sequential way, by putting the records in a table and making a SqlBulkCopy against the DB, following the advices.
DataTable table = getDataTable();
myList.ForEach(element => {
if (decimal.Remainder(counter, 500) == 0){
SqlConnection _db;
using (SqlBulkCopy bulk = new SqlBulkCopy(_db)){
var map1 = new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping("columnName1", "columnName1");
var map2 = new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping("columnName2", "columnName2");
bulk.DestinationTableName = "DestinationTableName";