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Create template pack from set of traits

Is it possible (and if so, how) to generate a template pack from a indexed set of type traits so they can be used to instantiate a variant or a tuple?

#include <variant>

template<int n>
struct IntToType;

struct IntToType<0>
    using type = int;
    static constexpr char const* name = "int";
//  Other compile-time metadata

struct IntToType<1>
    using type = double;
    static constexpr char const* name = "double";
//  Other compile-time metadata

using MyVariant = std::variant<IntToType<???>::type...>;  // something with make_integer_sequence and fold expression?

Or is it necessary to use the variant as input instead:

#include <variant>

using MyVariant = std::variant<int, double>;

template<int n>
struct IntToTypeBase
    using type = std::variant_alternative_t<n, MyVariant>;

template<int >
struct IntToType;

struct IntToType<0>:IntToTypeBase<0>
    static constexpr char const* name = "int";
//  Other compile-time metadata

struct IntToType<1>:IntToTypeBase<1>
    static constexpr char const* name = "double";
//  Other compile-time metadata

or even roll your own variant, which accepts a set of traits instead of a plain list of type:

template<class IntegerType, template<auto> class Traits, size_t LastIndex>
class Variant;


  • You could do:

    #include <variant>
    template<int n>
    struct IntToType;
    struct IntToType<0>
        using type = int;
        static constexpr char const* name = "int";
    //  Other compile-time metadata
    struct IntToType<1>
        using type = double;
        static constexpr char const* name = "double";
    //  Other compile-time metadata
    // replace NUMBER_OF_TYPES
    template <typename T=std::make_index_sequence<NUMBER_OF_TYPES> >
    struct make_my_variant;
    template <size_t... indices>
    struct make_my_variant<std::index_sequence<indices...> > {
        using type = std::variant<typename IntToType<indices>::type...>;
    using MyVariant = typename std::make_my_variant<>::type;

    Note to find the typename as a string literal, you could just use typeid(TYPE).name(). You may need to demangle this name, if you wish; you can use your compiler-specific demangler function (I think MSVC doesn't mangle type names, but on GCC you would use abi::__cxa_demangle in <cxxabi.h> header.)