I am new to flutter and trying to integration below library for using Swagger in flutter project. https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/tree/master/samples/client/petstore/dart/swagger
Steps which i did so far :
added the Path in Pubspec.yaml
path: /path/swagger-codegen-master/samples/client/petstore/dart/swagger
2) main.dart file :
import 'package:swagger/api.dart';
3) added in Pubspec.yaml for swagger file so my project support SDK 2.0.0
sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.68.0 <3.0.0"
It is working fine Problem is :
I can able to access var api_instance = new PetApi();
Which is swagger api implemented in that.
How can i use the url of my swagger api which had complete different API as per my project.
For eg on url http://petstore.swagger.io/v2
but on http://student.swagger.io/v2
and have complete different request , header and response parameters ?
How can i customise it as per my use.
Here are the steps I followed to link the swagger API files,
1.Generated the client files for dart using https://editor.swagger.io
2.Replaced the api_client.dart
file's usage of BrowserClient()
with IOClient()
and imported the required library. This BrowserClient caused a build error in my project because it contains web dependencies
class ApiClient {
String basePath;
var client = new BrowserClient();//old one
var client = new IOClient();//should be changed to this
3.Then Created the client class to access the API's as below,
/// Singleton class for ApiClient
class Client {
ApiClient apiClient;
AuthApi _authApi;
AuthApi get authApi => _authApi;
static final Client _client = Client._initClient();
factory Client() {
return _client;
Client._initClient() {
apiClient = ApiClient(
basePath: "http://yourproject.apilink",
_authApi = AuthApi(apiClient);
class AuthImpl {
final Client client;
AuthImpl(this.client) {}
Future<User> signIn({
@required String deviceID,
@required String deviceType,
@required String phone,
@required String password,
}) async {
AuthLoginResponse authLoginResponse;
User user;
authLoginResponse = await client.authApi
.authPostLogin(deviceID, deviceType, phone, password);
user = authLoginResponse.payload;
return user;