How do we solve a system of linear equations in Python and NumPy:
We have a system of equations and there is the right side of the values after the equal sign. We write all the coefficients into the matrix
matrix = np.array(...),
, and write the right side into the vectorvector = np.array(...)
and then use the commandnp.linalg.solve(matrix, vector)
to find the variables.
But if I have derivatives after the equal sign and I want to do the same with the system of differential equations, how can I implement this?
(Where are the lambda
known values, and I need to find A
P.S. I saw the use of this command y = odeint(f, y0, t)
from the library scipy
but I did not understand how to set my own function f
if I have a matrix there, what are the initial values y0
and what t
You can solve your system with the compact form
t = arange(t0,tf,h)
solX = odeint(lambda X,t:, X0, t)
after setting the parameters and initial condition.
For advanced use set also the absolute and relative error thresholds according to the scale of the state vector and the desired accuracy.