So, I'm a bit new to python and have mastered javascript.
I know that javascript modules are saved in node_modules
folder in a directory
I did: $ pip install pyautogui
but when I'm about to run my code, it says :
'Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
import pyautogui, time
ImportError: No module named pyautogui'
where do python modules get saved to? 'python_modules' folder?????
also, idk what to do, can anyone help me with this error?
To see the path where your modules are saved once you pip them.
You can open a python shell, import sys and print the sys.path variable. One of the path would end with site-packages, thats the path where modules are saved.
$ python3
>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.path)
[‘’, ‘/Users/uname/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/‘]