I have this data frame as in the picture below. I need to create an Origin-Destination matrix wherein the Row axis I will have the date as a column and the values from the "From municipality code", On the Columns axis I will have the values of the "To municipality code" and as the values to fill the matrix will be the values of the column "count". How do you get a matrix from the pandas data frame?
ODMatrix= pd.DataFrame(0, index=list(range(0,202708)), columns = list(range(0,202708))
).add(df.pivot_table(values='count', index="from_municipality_code",
columns='to_municipality_code', aggfunc=len),fill_value=0).astype('int')
I tried to convert the pandas data frame into numpy array but it did not work.
result_final[['date', 'from_municipality_code','to_municipality_code','count','Lng_x','Lat_x','Lng_y','Lat_y',]].to_numpy()
This is the final matrix I want if this helps to visualize:
You can use the pivot_table
method. Here is a working example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Some example data
df = pd.DataFrame({"from": np.random.randint(0, 10, (1000,)), "to": np.random.randint(0, 10, (1000,))})
# Remove examples where from == to
df = df.loc[df["from"] != df["to"]].copy()
# The key operation
matrix = (
.pivot_table(index="from", columns="to", values="count", aggfunc="count")
to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 10 14 7 9 14 18 6 11 8
1 11 0 12 7 4 12 9 11 6 13
2 6 14 0 12 13 8 5 15 11 10
3 10 9 12 0 14 10 8 14 9 11
4 10 14 14 11 0 8 4 10 11 4
5 15 10 10 18 8 0 15 15 8 12
6 9 7 10 13 10 8 0 11 12 10
7 9 12 4 6 9 9 8 0 8 12
8 8 8 11 12 15 10 11 4 0 6
9 10 13 11 16 14 18 11 9 4 0