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AutoFixture Create An Instance from An Interface Issue

My issue is, cannot create auto generated instance from the interface.

Here is my example:

public class SomeClass {
    public string TestName { get; set; }

// And then I call like this
var obj = new Fixture().Create<SomeClass>();

Concrete class is generated automatically and it's properties like this:

// Output: TestNameb7c3f872-9286-419f-bb0a-c4b0194b6bc8

But I have an interface like below:

public interface ISomeInterface 
    string TestName { get; set; }

// And  then I call like this
var obj = new Fixture().Create<ISomeInterface >();

It is generated but it's properties is not set.

// Output: null

How can I create an instance from the interface like the concrete class?


  • Agree with Mathew Watson comment, this question might already be answered in the mentioned question.

    Just wanted to share my version which is slightly different from those answer from 2012 ;)

    public interface ISomeInterface
        string TestName { get; set; }
    public class SomeClass : ISomeInterface
        public string TestName { get; set; }
    public class Test
        public void Do()
            var fixture = new Fixture();
            fixture.Customize<ISomeInterface>(x => x.FromFactory(() => new SomeClass()));
            var result = fixture.Create<ISomeInterface>();
            Console.Out.WriteLine("result = {0}", result.TestName);
            // output:
            // result = TestName2c7e6902-d959-46ce-a79f-bf933bcb5b7f

    Of course, AutoMoq or AutoNSubstitute are the options to consider.