Search code examples

PostgreSQL select rows having same column values

  | location_id  |  lat  |  long  |  speed  |
    ------------- ------- -------- --------- 
      101241        0.12    1.1       0.0    
    ------------- ------- -------- --------- 
      101242        0.12    1.1       0.0
    ------------- ------- -------- --------- 
      101243        0.12    1.1       0.0
    ------------- ------- -------- --------- 
      101244        1.25    0.74      7.4
    ------------- ------- -------- ---------

I want to select all locations where speed = 0 and lat && long are same

So from above example answer should be::

   | location_id  |

Note:: Speed is constant 0 but lat and long depend on previous rows value


  • I actually read this as a gaps-and-islands problem, where you want adjacent rows that have the same latitude and longitude, and a speed of 0.

    You could approach this with window functions: the difference between row numbers gives you the islands: you can then compute the lenght of each islands, and filter on those lenght is greater than 1 and whose speed is 0:

    select *
    from (
        select t.*, count(*) over(partition by lat, long, speed, rn1 - rn2) cnt
        from (
            select t.*, 
                row_number() over(order by location_id) rn1,
                row_number() over(partition by lat, long, speed order by location_id) rn2
            from mytable t
        ) t
    ) t
    where speed = 0 and cnt > 1

    Demo on DB Fiddle