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How to remove anchor of arView.session.currentFrame?

Recently, I studied about ARWorldTrackingConfiguration. But it is very difficult. First I want to use this function:

func session(_ session: ARSession, didRemove anchors: [ARAnchor]) { }

I already tried these one but it's not working:

arView.session.remove(anchor: frame.anchors[0])
arView.session.currentFrame?.anchors.removeAll() // 'anchors' is a get-only property

Anyone know about 'didRemove' of session function by using something?

Plz help me master of ARkit.


  • To remove ARAnchor from ARSession you need to use remove(anchor:) instance method:

    let specialAnchor = ARAnchor(name: "special", transform: simd_float4x4())
    arView.session.remove(anchor: specialAnchor)

    The method you've mentioned is called when anchors are removed from the session:

    func session(_ session: ARSession, didRemove anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
        self.anchorsData(anchors: anchors)
    func anchorsData(anchors: [ARAnchor]) -> [Any] {
        var data = [Any]()
        // some code...
        return data