) with a list of products as cards (retrieved
via useQuery
) each of which has an upvote button/home
doesn’t retrieve the products with the correct vote countWhy doesuseQuery
not return the right amount until i do another page
for reference, here it is below:
const Home = props => {
const {data, loading, error} = useQuery(GET_PRODUCTS_LOGGED_IN, {
variables: {
userid: props.userid
'data', data.products // this data is outdated after I go from /home -> /profile -> /home
return (
{_.map(data.products, product => (
const VoteButton = ({likes, hasVoted, productid}) => {
const [localHasVoted, updateLocalHasVoted] = useState(hasVoted);
const [likesCount, updateLikesCount] = useState(likes);
const [onVote] = useMutation(VOTE_PRODUCT);
const onClickUpvote = (event) => {
variables: {
updateLikesCount(localHasVoted ? likesCount - 1 : likesCount + 1);
return (
<VoteContainer onClick={onClickUpvote}>
<VoteCount >{likesCount}</VoteCount>
On your useQuery call, you can actually pass it a config option called 'fetch-policy' which tells Apollo how you want the query to execute between making the call or using the cache. You can find more information here, Apollo fetch policy options. A quick solution would be be setting fetch-policy to cache and network like the the example below.
const {data, loading, error} = useQuery(GET_PRODUCTS_LOGGED_IN, {
variables: {
userid: props.userid
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
You can also make it so that when your mutation happens, it will run your query again by setting the 'refetch-queries' option on useMutation like the code below. This will cause your query to trigger right after the mutation happens. You can read more about it here Apollo mutation options
const [onVote] = useMutation(VOTE_PRODUCT, {
refetchQueries: [ {query: GET_PRODUCTS_LOGGED_IN } ],