I would like to implement a functional stack in scheme. This is my attempt:
(define make-stack
(letrec ((do-op
(lambda (stack op . val)
(cond ((eq? op 'push)
(lambda (op . v)
(do-op (cons (car val) stack) op v)))
((eq? op 'pop)
(lambda (op . v)
(do-op (cdr stack) op v)))
((eq? op 'print)
(begin (display stack)
(lambda (op . v)
(do-op stack op v))))))))
(lambda (op . val)
(do-op '() op val))))
The stack can be used as in this example:
(define s make-stack)
((((((s 'push 1) 'push 2) 'push 3) 'print) 'pop) 'print)
The output of this example is:
((3) (2) (1))
((2) (1))
Not exactly what I wanted, but not too bad. I wanted to ask the experienced schemers here if there is a way to make the stack behave more naturally, for example like this:
(define s make-stack)
(s 'push 1)
(s 'push 2)
(s 'pop)
while keeping it functional (so no mutability, no set!
The first thing I thought was to keep returning a function with no arguments, but changing every lambda (op . v)
(lambda ()
(lambda (op . v)
but this does not work as we still need to capture the returned function:
> (define s make-stack)
> ((s) 'push 1)
Your goals are contradictory. If s
is a stack, and your operations purely functional, then (s 'push 1)
must return the same thing every time it is called. To capture the notion of change, you must use a different s
each time. That's how your functional stack works: it gives you back a new stack, and you must compose function calls with it.