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sql for loop query to normal query

I have a for loop query and i am trying to change it without looping and trying to one record to validate with out looping.

so, i am looking for normal query without looping.

<query name="validate2">
        for rec in (
            select staging.profileId as sfId                    
            from staging_pricematch_adj staging
                left outer join client cl
                    on staging.profileId = cl.salesforce_Id
            where staging.rejectcode is null
                and cl.salesforce_Id is null
        ) loop
            update staging_pricematch_adj
            set rejectcode        = '002',
            rejectReason = 'INVALID_PROFILE_ID'
            where profileId = rec.sfId;             
        end loop;

i am looking for noraml query without looping conditions.


  • Simplistically, this will work:

          update staging_pricematch_adj
          set rejectcode        = '002',
          rejectReason = 'INVALID_PROFILE_ID'
          where profileId IN (
            select staging.profileId                    
            from staging_pricematch_adj staging
                left outer join client cl
                    on staging.profileId = cl.salesforce_Id
            where staging.rejectcode is null
                and cl.salesforce_Id is null