I am trying to figure out how to use the OnViewportPositionChange
of TVertScrollBox for my visual component trigger when it reach to certain level. It appears to me that this event OnViewportPositionChange
is useful for this purpose.
procedure TformMain.VertScrollBox1ViewportPositionChange(Sender: TObject;
const OldViewportPosition, NewViewportPosition: TPointF;
const ContentSizeChanged: Boolean);
How can I detect/determine if the NewViewportPosition
meets the criteria (TPointF) to trigger if it is True a visual component to set as visible.
I will appreciate if someone could give a quick sample.
ATTEMPT 1: No response and I can't use the this operand type >=
if NewViewportPosition = PointF(VertScrollBox1.ViewportPosition.X, 720) then
has 2 properties you can use: .X
and .Y
. You can easily just examine the values individually for example:
if (NewViewPortPosition.X >= CurrPosition.X) or (NewViewPortPosition.Y >= CurrPosition.Y)