I want to run python startup script inside gcp instance in which i want to get total memory size of gcp instance.
I have tried free -h
, grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
commands. But, the problem with this commands is, i get some less amount of RAM than actual memory size i selected while creating instance (due to system use may be). I want to get the exact memory size i selected while creating instance.
e.g., "32 GB" for "e2-standard-8" , "16 GB" for "n2-standard-4
Also there is no metadata url available to get gcp instance memory size.
Is there any way to do that ?
If you want to get the RAM as configured when you created the VM in GCP, I think using the Compute Engine Libs would be useful.
First intall the needed libs:
pip install google-api-python-client
If you need it for just one instance this can be helpful:
import googleapiclient.discovery
compute = googleapiclient.discovery.build('compute', 'v1')
instances = compute.instances().list(project=PROJECT_ID, zone=ZONE).execute()
for instance in instances['items']:
ram = compute.machineTypes().get(project=PROJECT_ID, zone=ZONE, machineType=instance['machineType'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]).execute()['memoryMb']
print ("RAM -> {:.1f} GB".format(round(ram/1024,1)))
And you'll get:
RAM -> 1.8 GB
A more general approach to get this info from all the instances in a project could be as follows:
First add this additional lib:
pip install tabulate
import googleapiclient.discovery
from tabulate import tabulate
compute = googleapiclient.discovery.build('compute', 'v1')
zones = compute.zones().list(project=PROJECT_ID).execute()
for zone in zones['items']:
instances = compute.instances().list(project=PROJECT_ID, zone=zone['name']).execute()
if 'items' in instances:
for instance in instances['items']:
ram = compute.machineTypes().get(project=PROJECT_ID, zone=zone['name'], machineType=instance['machineType'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]).execute()['memoryMb']
configs.append([instance['name'],str(round(ram/1024,1))+" GB"])
print(tabulate(configs, headers=["Instance name", "RAM"]))
Which will print something like this:
Instance name RAM
--------------- ------
satellite 1.8 GB
Those scripts asume you've configured previously the credentials for Cloud SDK.