I'm trying to make a map of my study site using ggmap & Stamen maps. I've seen a few similar questions but haven't figured out a way to incorporate the solution into my Stamen map code.
I have two questions regarding this: 1. How can I custom label the points on the map? 2. How can I add a scale to maps in Stamen map? (either as a line indicating distance or something like x cm on map = y km in real life)
Tcoords <- read.csv("Tcoords.csv")
My file looks like this
# trap latitude longitude
1 52.34431 0.5374620
2 52.34281 0.5382080
3 52.34468 0.5406787
4 52.34357 0.5398280
5 52.34431 0.5397050
6 52.34516 0.5406294
In response to the suggestion, I've pasted the results to dput(head(Tcoords))
structure(list(trap = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"), latitude = c(52.344312,
52.342809, 52.3446849, 52.343572, 52.34431, 52.3451601), longitude = c(0.537462,
0.538208, 0.5406787, 0.539828, 0.539705, 0.5406294)), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
This the code I'm using to plot my points
center = c(lon = 0.5406294, lat = 52.3451601)
qmap(center, zoom = 16, source = "stamen", maptype = "watercolor")+
geom_point(aes(x = longitude, y = latitude), size = 4, shape = 21,
fill = "dark green", data = Tcoords)
But somehow trap isn't being recognised as an object. It's probably something elementary but I'm not really sure what I've missed (new to R). I've saved "trap" as a text object here.
Thanks for your help!
I would like to suggest tmap
as an alternative to ggmap
. This is one of many others possible packages for creating maps CRAN Task View: Spatial but I found the scale bar that tmap
generates pretty nice and the code simple.
The code to generate the final plot requires the following packages
# To create the map
# To create the layer with the points given in Tcoords.csv
# To read the background map
Then, we read the coordinates of the six points to be mapped and turn them into an sf object
# Read coordinates
Tcoords = dget("Tcoords.R")
# create an sf object for the six points in the file
coordinates = matrix(c(Tcoords$longitude, Tcoords$latitude), 6, 2)
tcoords_sfc = lapply(1:6, function(k) st_point(coordinates[k, ])) %>%
st_sfc(crs = 4326)
tcoords_sf = st_sf(trap = Tcoords$trap, geometry = tcoords_sfc)
Next, we find the limits of the six points (bounding box) and extend them by a factor 2.5. You can play with this factor to get maps with other scales.
bb_new = bb(tcoords_sf, ext = 2.5)
Finally we read the background map
map_osm = read_osm(bb_new, zoom = 15, type = "stamen-watercolor")
and draw the final map
with the following code
tm_shape(map_osm, projection = 4326, unit = "m") +
tm_rgb() +
tm_shape(tcoords_sf) +
tm_symbols(col = "darkgreen", shape = 21, size = 2) +
tm_text(text = "trap", col = "white") +
tm_scale_bar(breaks = c(0, 50, 100, 150, 200), text.size = 0.6) +
tm_compass(position = c("left", "top"))
To get a dynamic map is even simpler as you do not have read first the basemap (read_osm
) and then draw the map.
tm_shape(tcoords_sf, bbox = bb_new, unit = "m") +
tm_symbols(col = "darkgreen", shape = 21, size = 3) +
tm_text(text = "trap", col = "white") +
tm_basemap("Stamen.Watercolor") +
In the static plot, colors, text and breaks in the scale can be personalized. Note the parameter unit = "m"
in the tm_shape
in order to get the scale in meters, if not it will be in kilometers.
Hope you will find this alternative worth mentioning.