I am creating Labels dynamically from an array of strings so I have different colored and tap-able Labels like this:
<Label *ngFor="let part of comment"
[class.mention]="part.Mention" [class.hashtag]="part.Hashtag"
(tap)="handleTap(part)" [text]="part.Text"></Label>
This works fine if all the Labels together are shorter than one line, but if they are longer than one line they will not wrap to the next line. How can I get this to wordwrap? Adding textWrap="true" does not work in this instance.
Use WrapLayout instead of stackLayout
<WrapLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Label *ngFor="let part of comment" [class.mention]="part.Mention"
[class.hashtag]="part.Hashtag" (tap)="handleTap(part)"
I just update Playground link https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-ng&id=lJm8ZT&v=6