I know this should be more focused but I lost whole day on this and I cant figure it out.
I am trying to connect to remote MySQL database using any of available VS Code extensions.
I tried to use SQLTools with MySQL/MariaDB plugin, ApexSQL Database Power Tools for VS Code, vscode-database.
I have read all documentations and searched here and else-ware for examples. All I am finding is connecting to local-host databases.
I just wont list all combinations I tried, because I feel I tried them all. Using all possible log in methods.
Biggest problem I have come across using few methods is when i enter remote server address and username. That username always transfers to: username@'93-138-183-84.adsl.net.t-com.hr'
where 93-138-183-84.adsl.net.t-com.hr' of coarse is my current IP address.
And I get errors like:
Error connecting to server: Access denied for user 'xxx'@'93-138-183-84.adsl.net.t-com.hr' (using password: YES)
I tried using strings and example settings like:
"name": "MySQL",
"server": "my server adress",
"driver": "MySQL",
"port": 3306,
"database": "xxx",
"username": "xxx",
"askForPassword": false,
"password": "xxx",
"connectionTimeout": 15,
"mysqlOptions": {
... // options See section 2. mysqlOptions
Nothing worked for me
PS; I checked for server address, user and port inside my database, so I don't think my credentials are wrong. I tried using database specific, and root user for whole server.
Is it even possible to connect to remote MySQL database from VS code to run query's, if it is, using what and how?
So finally after whole day:
using macOS:
I already had SSH keys added to system so I just need to open tunneling, its easy just one line, explanation is here: How to connect to a MySQL database using an SSH Tunnel
ssh -p 722 -N -L 3306:localhost:3306 user@servername
Next in VS code (tested with SQLTools with MySQL/MariaDB plugin):
as server address and enter your DB credentials.
And that is it.
Now you have autocomplete SQL methods, SQL litter and autocomplete all tables and fields from remote DB in VS-Code.