When I interrupt the download process (by pressing ctrl + c), instead of getting an mp4 file, I get a part file. I also get the following messages :
Exiting normally, received signal 2.
ERROR: ffmpeg exited with code 255
This is the part of the code :
self.ydl_opts = {}
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(self.ydl_opts) as ydl:
Also I forgot to mention that if change the filename from filename.mp4.part
to finemame.mp4
I can watch the video normally.
Any help is much appreciated!
That behaviour is wanted since you should be able to restart the download. It will or at least should then continue downloading from where you stopped.
You could try to use
when using on command line
or set nopart
to True
when using embedded youtube-dl
This will write the output directly.