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Optimize signed bitvectors in Z3

I am trying to optimize an expression that consists of bitvectors in Z3 (the code runs in e.g.

(declare-const x (_ BitVec 32))
(assert (bvslt x #x00000008))
(maximize x)

The result I get is:

  (x 4294967295)

which is the maximum int 0xffffffff for 32 bits, which would be signed -1. However, I want to get the signed maximum, i.e. 7. Is there any way to do that in Z3 (apart from making multiple calls to Z3 with different constraints (i.e b&b) as in CVC4 minimize/maximize model optimization)? Does anyone know any other solver (preferably using smtlibv2 input) to do that?


  • In my experience, the easiest thing to do is to shift the number up appropriately. That is, maximizing (or minimizing) an n-bit signed bit-vector x is equivalent to doing the same on the n-bit unsigned bit-vector x + 2n − 1. That is, just before you call maximize or minimize add 2n-1 to the amount you're trying to optimize, thus making the original value range over [−2n − 1, 2n − 1) instead of what the optimizer will see as [0, 2n).

    You can see the discussion in the z3 github tracker from 2017 that concludes the same: