I have a 1D Numpy array A
of length N
. For each element x
in the array, I want to know what proportion of all elements in the array are within the range [x-eps
; x+eps
], where eps
is a constant. N
is in the order of 15,000.
At present I do it as follows (minimal example):
import numpy as np
N = 15000
eps = 0.01
A = np.random.rand(N, 1)
prop = np.array([np.mean((A >= x - eps) & (A <= x + eps)) for x in A])
.. which takes around 1 sec on my computer.
My question: is there a more efficient way of doing this?
Edit: I think @jdehesa suggestion in the comments would work as follows:
prop = np.isclose(A, A.T, atol=eps, rtol=0).mean(axis=1)
It's a nice concise solution, but without a speed advantage (on my computer).
That's a good setup to leverage np.searchsorted
sidx = A.argsort()
ridx = np.searchsorted(A, A+eps, 'right', sorter=sidx)
lidx = np.searchsorted(A, A-eps, 'left', sorter=sidx)
out = ridx - lidx
Timings -
In [71]: N = 15000
...: eps = 0.01
...: A = np.random.rand(N)
In [72]: %timeit np.array([np.sum((A >= x - eps) & (A <= x + eps)) for x in A])
560 ms ± 5.15 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
In [73]: %%timeit
...: sidx = A.argsort()
...: ridx = np.searchsorted(A, A+eps, 'right', sorter=sidx)
...: lidx = np.searchsorted(A, A-eps, 'left', sorter=sidx)
...: out = ridx - lidx
5.35 ms ± 47.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Further improvement with pre-sorting :
In [81]: %%timeit
...: sidx = A.argsort()
...: b = A[sidx]
...: ridx = np.searchsorted(b, A+eps, 'right')
...: lidx = np.searchsorted(b, A-eps, 'left')
...: out = ridx - lidx
3.93 ms ± 19.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
As stated in the comments, for the mean
equivalent version, simply divide final array output by N