I am trying to add classes to markers which works fine. However when it is a divIcon it requires different styling. So I am trying to set another className if the Instance is a DivIcon.
The Code below is always true because L.divIcon is still a marker(?)
if(e.target instanceof L.DivIcon) {
let icon = e.target._icon
if(!(L.DomUtil.hasClass(icon, 'leaflet-pm-divIcon-selected'))) {
L.DomUtil.addClass(e.target._icon, 'leaflet-pm-divIcon-selected')
else if (e.target instanceof L.Marker) {
let icon = e.target._icon
if(!(L.DomUtil.hasClass(icon, 'leaflet-pm-marker-selected'))) {
offsetMarker(icon, 8)
L.DomUtil.addClass(e.target._icon, 'leaflet-pm-marker-selected')
doing e.target instanceof L.Marker && e.target instanceof L.DivIcon
also does not work
Check if the layer icon is L.DivIcon:
e.target.getIcon() instanceof L.DivIcon