I need to implement Real-time developer notifications
in my backend server to be aware of any purchase modifications made by my users (pause account, renew subscriptions, etc.). My backend Server is made in Delphi
and there are no ready-made libraries for Delphi, however, I can make an HTTPS endpoint to receive the notifications.
How can I set up the Real-time developer notifications to use my HTTPS endpoint?
To use an HTTPS endpoint to receive notifications, you'd want to set up a push subscription in Cloud Pub/Sub on the topic you tie to the real-time developer notifications. First you'd create a topic in Cloud Pub/Sub. For example, you could do this using the gcloud
command-line tool:
gcloud pubsub topics create developer-notifications
Next, you'd want to create a push subscription on that topic that points to your HTTPS endpoint. For example, you could do this from the gcloud
command-line tool:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create developer-notifications-sub \
--topic developer-notifications \
Finally, you'd want to set up real-time developer notifications to publish to the Cloud Pub/Sub topic you created in the first step.
Once all of these steps are complete, your endpoint should receive the developer notifications via Cloud Pub/Sub.