i get an error when i try use the |>
operator in elm
kl : List Float
kl =
List.map toFloat (List.range 1 10)
kll : Float
kll =
half x =
x / 2
List.sum (List.map half (List.map toFloat (List.range 1 10)))
The code below i use the |>
and get an error:
klpipe : List Float
klpipe =
1 10 |> List.range |> toFloat |> List.map
can only be used to apply a single argument on the left side to a function on the right side. Here's a few examples to give you an intuition of how it works:
x |> f == f x
y |> f x == f x y
f x |> g == g (f x)
You can apply multiple arguments to a single function using |>
, but you'll have to do it one at a time in revers order and use parentheses to go against its natural associativity:
10 |> (1 |> List.range) |> (toFloat |> List.map)
Here the parenthesized expressions both evaluate to functions that "fit" on the right side of the pipe. Without parentheses, 1 |> 10 |> List.range
would be equivalent to `List.range (10 1).
I don't find this very readable however, and would instead use the pipe operator much more sparingly:
List.range 1 10 |> List.map toFloat
Just because you can make it look like a nail doesn't mean you should use a hammer on it.