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svn returns "Invalid control character '0x0d' in path 'Icon\015'" when trying to add Mac custom icon file

I have a project that creates a disk image and would like to use a custom icon for the loaded volume. I have a .VolumeIcon.icns file that looks great, but to make Finder use it, I've had to include an empty file named Icon^M (Icon\r, Icon<cr>). My custom icon shows up and everything works great.

Except. When I try to check the Icon^M file into my svn repository I get:

svn: Invalid control character '0x0d' in path 'Icon\015'

Subversion has stricter filename standards than Mac and, reasonably, doesn't allow carriage returns. An old thread on the svn mailing list discussed this problem, and the recommendation was to just create the file with a shell script as part of the build process. I could do that, but my build process is very simple right now and I'm loath to make it more complex.

Is there a more elegant solution?


  • I think you're boned. What are you using to build now? I'll tip my hat to anyone that can come up with a better answer than the one you yourself proposed - scripting it in the build.