I'm trying to extract information from a database. Sybase ASE 16 (not sure of the SP thouogh). I don't have direct access to the database myself so I have to ask a collegue to run the code to extract the information that I then use.
First, the following code is executed:
create table AAA (
Operacion varchar(10) null,
Actual smallint null,
Castigado smallint null,
RentasVar smallint null)
Table Indice is populated from a text file using a bcp. Actual, Castigado and RentasVar are either 0 or 1.
Then this code:
create view XXX as
select Operacion, cast(convert(char(8), FecAplica, 112) as int) as FecAplica,
IdPolizaSeg, SaldoInsSeg, CapitalSeg, InteresSeg,
IvaSeg, MontoSeg, SegVenc
from SEG_Vencim
where Operacion in (
select Operacion from AAA
where Actual=1)
create view YYY as
select Operacion, IdTipoMov, DescMov, IdMoneda, StatuMov,
cast(convert(char(8), FecMov, 112) as int) as FecMov,
cast(convert(char(8), FecVencMov, 112) as int) as FecVencMov,
cast(convert(char(8), FecPago, 112) as int) as FecPago,
MontoMov, IvaMov, TotalMov, MontoDelPago
from Movimientos
where (Operacion in (
select Operacion from AAA where Castigado=1))
or (Operacion in (
select Operacion from AAA where Actual=1)
and (FecPago=null or FecPago>dateadd(dd, -30, current_date())))
Field Operacion in Movimientos is varchar(10). I cannot modify this table.
A bcp instruction is issued to copy XXX's content into a text file. The task is completed a couple seconds after, having written a file of aprox. 140 MB. A bcp instruction is issued to copy YYY's content into a text file. The task is completed after almost 7 hours, having written a file of aprox. 70 MB.
So my problem is that the second bcp instruction takes too long. I read that functions on where clause can be inefficient so I asked my colleague to try again using
and (FecPago=null or FecPago>='2020-09-30'))
instead of
and (FecPago=null or FecPago>dateadd(dd, -30, current_date())))
but it didn't help.
AAA has between 80,000 and 90,000 records. Would putting an index on it help? I read that unnesting queries might help, could that help in my case? if so, why does the nested query in the first query work?
I cannot run tests on my own and don't have access to the execution plans. I realize it probably won't be possible to give me advice on this without me providing additional information.
I don't have much experience with Sybase but in MSSQL (which shares it's ancestry with Sybase) OR
s tend to be performance killers. Changing those to UNION
constructions as markp-fuso suggests often is a good idea.
That said, I wonder what moving the OR
entirely into the sub-select would do:
create view YYY as
select <your fields>
from Movimientos
where Operacion in (select Operacion
from AAA
where ( Castigado = 1)
or ( (Actual = 1 and (FecPago=null or FecPago > dateadd(dd, -30, current_date()))))
Not sure what the optimizer might do to the above. Therefore I wonder what happens if we force the operations on AAA to 'materialize' first... Could you give below a try?
create view YYY as
select <your fields>
from Movimientos m
from AAA
where ( Castigado = 1)
or ( (Actual = 1 and (FecPago=null or FecPago > dateadd(dd, -30, current_date()))))
) d
ON d.Operacion = m.Operacion
Good luck.
PS: apart from using UNION
to get rid of the OR
s you can also try to use WHERE EXISTS()
instead of the IN()