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foldl/foldr don't hit stackoverflow

Im reading this, but when I try to replicate code such as

foldl k = go
        go z [] = z
        go z (x:xs) = let z' = k z x
            in foldl k z' xs

sum2 = foldl (+) 0
try2 = sum2 [1..10000000]

My laptop hangs for a while and evaluates it rather than return a stackoverflow as expected.

Even when I try foldr (+) 0 [1..1000000], I fail to get a stackoverflow unless I increase the size of the list.

Has something changed since the article was written? Any ideas?

I'm loading the file with :l folds.hs, running with stack ghci. I tried the following to reduce my stack size but maybe it was an incorrect way.

stack ghci +RTS -K2M -RTS


  • Stack limit has been increased to 80% of physical memory by default. For setting the option with stack, use stack ghci --ghci-options="+RTS -K2M". I did get the overflow this way on GHC 8.8.4.