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C++ writing JSON with JSONCPP

I was trying to use the JSONCPP library to work with JSON documents in C++. Reading another question here, I saw this example and tried to implement:

#include "json/json.h"

int main(){
    Json::Value event;
    Json::Value vec(Json::arrayValue);

    event["competitors"]["home"]["name"] = "Liverpool";
    event["competitors"]["away"]["code"] = 89223;
    event["competitors"]["away"]["name"] = "Aston Villa";
    event["competitors"]["away"]["code"] = vec;

    std::cout << event << std::endl;

But I keep getting this error:

json2.cpp:(.text+0x1c): referência não definida para "Json::Value::Value(Json::ValueType)"
/usr/bin/ld: json2.cpp:(.text+0x30): referência não definida para "Json::Value::Value(Json::ValueType)"

json2.cpp is the file's name, as it looks like. Being a /usr/bin/ld a link error, I tried to add as parameter the directory path to the compile command but the error persists

Does anyone know how to fix it?


  • It’s all about how you build/install the library and specify the headers in the source. Since you didn’t mention what method you took to build the library, I’ll demonstrate three solutions I got to work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

    Install the Package

    Most straightforward way is to install via apt:

    $ sudo apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev

    The header files will be installed to /usr /include/jsoncpp/json and can be included in json2.cpp as:

    #include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>

    And compile by adding the linker flag as:

    $ g++ json2.cpp -o json2 -ljsoncpp

    Amalgamated Source

    Inside of the top-level directory of the jsoncpp repository, you can amalgamate the source by:

    $ python

    By default, this will generate all necessary source and header files in the dist/ directory, and there is no need to link the library. Include in json2.cpp as:

    #include <json/json.h>

    As indicated in the build instructions, jsoncpp.cpp will have to be incorporated into your project:

    $ g++ json2.cpp dist/jsoncpp.cpp -Idist -o json2


    From the top-level directory of the jsoncpp repository:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ make; make install

    This will install the header files to /usr/local/include/json. Include in json2.cpp as:

    #include <json/json.h>

    And compile by adding the linker flag as:

    $ g++ json2.cpp -o json2 -ljsoncpp