I'm experiencing an issue where the bitmap isn't rendered properly on the surfaceview. the rendering is done in the native layer using ANativeWindow. to confirm the image I receive from the camera is good I have dumped the buffer on the filesystem and it looks good, but when trying to render it it is shown like the image below.
here is how I attempt to copy the bitmap to the ANativeWindow.
static int counter = 0;
std::string name = "/sdcard/irImage" + std::to_string(counter++) + ".png";
stbi_write_png(name.c_str(), WIDTH, HEIGHT, 4, mFormattedIRBuffer, WIDTH*4);
ANativeWindow_Buffer buffer;
if (_window)
if (ANativeWindow_lock(_window, &buffer, NULL) == 0)
memcpy(buffer.bits, mFormattedIRBuffer, WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4);
when I try to render single colors (purple, yellow, pink) it displayed correctly on the surfaceview.
Any idea what I am missing here ?
for some reason buffer.stride is differnt than buffer.width which i belive is causing the distortion on the surfaceview. the resolution i work with is 224x171 the stride appears to be 256. when working with higher resolution I don't have this problem. the stride is always the same as the width of the image.
to overcome this problem of buffer.width being not the same as buffer.stride I had to pad the width of the image to match the stride. I had width = 224 and stride = 256 so I used padding of 16 on left and 16 on right. I am not sure if this is a limitation of ANativeWindow when working with low resolution images, but when I work with high resolution the width and strides are always equal