I have been studying this library with the intent to make a image processing pipeline in C#. I would want it to be able to receive a .png image and convert it to a .jpeg. Yet I have not found a way to do this using this library. Is it even possible? Has anyone been able to do this successfully?
This was my best shot:
Image<Rgba32> image1 = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load<Rgba32>(fileName, out IImageFormat format);
var encd = new JpegEncoder
Quality = 80
image.Save(outputFinalPath, encd);
The result is the image simply being saved as a .png. I'm new to working with images so I might be missing something.
all you have to do to load an image from any PNG file then call save passing a path to a file with a jpg file extension.
using (var img = Image.Load("path/to/inputImage.png"))
optionally passing a jpeg encoder to tweak settings, or you could also just change the defaults using the below code
Configuration.Default.ImageFormatsManager.SetEncoder(JpegFormat.Instance, new JpegEncoder()
Quality = 90