Say I have the following two independent relation chains, how can I fulfill the two following scenarios:
Relation chain 1:
Commit A
Commit B
Relation chain 2:
Commit C
First scenario
How can I merge the changes from Commit A into Commit C and include the changes as part of the same commit? If I use the pull command from Gerrit it creates a merge commit rather than just adding the changes to staging.
Second scenario
How can I merge Commit C into Commit A during an interactive rebase? Again, using the Gerrit pull command results in a merge commit and I can't add the files to the rebase.
For the first and second scenarios, use the "Cherry Pick" command instead of the "Pull" one.
If you don't want to create a new commit, add the "--no-commit" option to the "git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD" command and, after that, commit manually using the "git commit --amend" command.