I have table with invoice actions. One invoice can have multiple actions. I need to create a view with one row for each invoice. And that row should be the latest action. I have currently following:
SELECT tbl.*
FROM [dbo].[Tester] tbl JOIN
(SELECT TransNo, MAX(TransDate) AS MxDt
FROM [dbo].[Tester]
) sub
ON tbl.TransNo = sub.TransNo AND TransDate = MxDt;
I have seen multiple posts in here stating this is the way to do it. However I get multiple rows in the result set with same TransNo? Have I missed something?
Data set:
Result running query:
I would expect to only have one row for each transaction. Even when it has two with same dates then it should just take one.
I wouldn't recommend this approach but you need another condition in the join
SELECT tbl.TransNo
FROM [clm].[InvoiceView] tbl JOIN
(SELECT TransNo, MAX(ActDate) AS MxDt
FROM [clm].[InvoiceView]
) sub
ON tbl.TransNo = sub.TransNo AND ActDate = MxDt;
I would instead recommend window functions:
select iv.*
from (select iv.*,
row_number() over (partition by transno order by actdate desc) as seqnum
from InvoiceView iv
) iv
where seqnum = 1;
select iv.*
from InvoiceView iv
where iv.actdate = (select max(iv2.date)
from InvoiceView iv2
where iv2.transno = iv.transno