it seems to work, shared and server use npm
|- client/
|- package.json
|- src/
|- ...
|- server/
|- package.json
|- src/
|- ...
|- shared/
|- package.json // we don't want to change version every change
|- src/
|- ...
3 solutions proposed here
create a folder common under root and just require the files you need from your files. But you could end up with "long" require such as require("../../../../../common/file")
long require doesn't work with resolution with webpack - and isn't a nice solution
use module-alias to avoid that problem:
module-alias seems to be the same solution as the next one, in how it behaves.
you could make common a local module (using file:) and install it in package.json
we currently do this, but we still have to reinstall the shared
folder on a change, we currently use yarn upgrade shared
which takes a long time and still requires us to know when we need to run it.
in addition we've attempted to get yarn link
working but doesn't seem to link properly
we've attempted to use a post-pull
hook with husky
to run yarn upgrade shared
but it's too slow to run every pull especially since it's not needed often
we've considered a true mono-repo 'package' like Lerna but still don't think that it's necessary for the cost to migrate
link-module-alias to sym link folders on post install script, but this fails with typescript files
environementyarn upgrade shared
that runs (roughly) only when needed not all the timeshared
's version
key, and then it's tracked, we could run yarn install
and that work work.The find solution was that we were using React-Native and therefore the normal steps for syncing would work for the IDE but not the React-Native app.
Here is a great article describing how to get metro bundler working with it - however for Typescript we added it to the TSConfig and for the IDE we still needed to add it to our package using the file:../shared